Hood Brook Apiary and Learning Center is actually very small. We are eager to get more people interested in beekeeping! Also, a little added help is always nice. Volunteers are welcome by appointment because we only have to check the bees every 2 weeks or so.
Bob Donovan, founder and operator of Hood Brook Apiary and Learning Center has been a hobby beekeeper for 14 years before starting Hood Brook Apiary in 2021. When he came here to start the apiary, we ended up having a very bad late winter in Maine and a lot of beekeepers lost many hives. Sadly, I lost 8 of the 10 we started with leaving me with 1 strong hive and one colony that struggled until its death. In 2022 we restarted with only 1 hive which did well that summer and overwintered well. It got my hopes up!
In 2023 we expanded with 3 Sponsored Packages and 1 Nuc. Most of our bees are located at The Funny Farm in Vassalboro, Maine, and only 1 hive (from nuc) remains here where it all began. Most did well through that winter with 1 loss and 3 remaining. That brings us to 2024. Now here we are, coming into the fall of 2024 and gearing up for winter with 3 hives in Vassalboro and 2 hives here in Pittsfield!
Volunteers Always Welcome Especially Young PeopleInterested in Beekeeping (Under 15 Parents Must Be Present – Over 15 Needs Parental Consent)