Get Bees & Supplies
Where To Get Bees & Supplies
I’d suggest joining a local Bee Association and asking them the best place to go based on your location. There are chapters of the State Beekeepers Association in most every county. Click Here for a list of Local Bee Clubs in New England by State and County.
Working with a local shop builds rapport and shop owners are a wealth of information formed with many years of beekeeping and/or specialized training. Also, you can see your bees when you pick them up and if there are any problems, get it taken care of immediately. Also, you can purchase your equipment on the spot and take it right home with you. Mail order takes days or longer, you don’t know if the product is damaged until it arrives, and if it is, the hassles begin. It’s just so much easier shopping locally. As I said, never be afraid to ask questions at your local club (once you join) and at the local beekeeper supply stores.
Keep in mind, just because a place sells some bee equipment, doesn’t mean they know anything about bees or that they are even beekeepers! For instance, though I love Tractor Supply, they sell equipment but it is rare to find an employee that knows anything about it. Same with the big box stores.
We’d Suggest Based On Personal Experience:
Our number one show and favorite shop and owner is Spicer Bees owned and operated by Brian Mason in Whitefield, Maine. He has the lowest prices on any woodenware and equipment (hive bodies, inner and outer covers, frames foundation, etc.)
Spicer Bees
463 Mills Road
Whitefield, ME 04353
Ph: (207)-549-0441
NOTE: Brian Mason at Spicer Bees is our main go-to guy for most bees and equipment. Tell him Bob from Hood Brook Apiary sent you!
Our second location also in Maine is Backwoods Bee Farm located in Windham, Maine. They were very nice to deal with when we lived close enough to go there.
Backwoods Bee Farm
106 Page Road
Windham, ME. 04062
Ph: (207)-893-2847
Another great place is Swan’s Honey in Albion, Maine. They are a HUGE beekeeping operation here in Maine and in the Carolinas. They don’t have as much product as the previous two places, but still very knowledgeable and great to deal with.
Swan’s Honey
332 Bessey Ridge Road
Albion, ME. 04910
Ph: (207)-437-2251
NOTE: And then we have Holt’s Apiary. Holt’s is my “go-to” place for purchasing “Nucs.” They usually have the best prices anywhere and her “Nucs” have always been the strongest!
Holt’s Apiary
333 Ripley Rd,
St Albans, ME 04971-7530
(207) 270-1925
The only place we shopped for gear and bees in Massachusetts is Crystal Bee Supply in Peabody. They have a large selection of equipment and always have packages of bees in the Spring. I used to deal with the ad, Vinny, but the son has taken over. He is also very knowledgeable and friendly, but his name escapes me at the moment.
As far as I know, they are still in business, but I am unable to connect to their website at the moment.
Crystal Bee Supply
18 Lake Street
Peabody, MA. 01960
Ph: (781)-790-5563
Dave Lewcon Apiaries
201 West River Road
Uxbridge, MA. 01569
(214) 537-6664
Dave is in central/western Massachusetts, which is a great place to get packages. His packages are always big and strong, and he backs them! Dave is very nice and super helpful!
The great place I loved in New Hampshire was bought out and I don’t know anything about them anymore. We did get strong queen at:
Hillside Beekeeping Supplies
31 Hillside Terrace
Merrimack, NH. 03054
Ph: (603)-429-0808